Al-Shabaab has launched an attack in the Milihoi area

Occurred in Kenya on July 26, 2018 at 11:30 a.m.
Reported by 9646550 via SMS on July 26, 2018 at 7:05 p.m.
Also heard by 2 other(s)
# attack # Al-Shabaab # Al shaabab

This report is Confirmed true and is of High Priority. Here is why -
A group of police officers while travelling to Mpeketoni from Lamu law courts were ambushed by suspected al-Shabaab militia near Milihoi area. An exchange of fire ensued leading to the death of two police officers while others escaped with gunshot wounds. The police vehicle they were travelling in was also set ablaze by the militia group that later disappeared into Boni Forest.
Resolution added by - Christopher Tuckwood
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